Post on reading assignment for chapters 5 and 6 from Vocal Technique by Julia Davids and Stephen LaTour.
Comments/ A-ha moments:
1) I liked reading about the section on tongue position when singing vowels. I am not a singer so I have never learned any of this information before. Moving your tongue slightly will change the sound and intonation and with a choir that will be hard to blend. I would love to learn more about this topic since it affects the choir's sound so much!
2) I enjoyed reading on all the different ways to sing 'r'. You have flipped 'r', rolled 'r', and retroflex 'r'. Then there are different rules when singing in italian or german.
1) Does the size of someone's tongue or mouth influence their ability to create nice resonating vowel sounds?
2) In the chapter on vowels it says that sopranos should avoid singing vowels [i] and [u] at high pitches. Is there rep that requires them to? If so, how would we approach this in an appropriate that still has a good tone?
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