Response to Ted Talk : Lead like the great conductors by Itay Talgam
Throughout the ted talk by Itay Talgram, he discusses the
different styles of conducting from great conductors of the 20th
century and points out crucial lessons. I liked when he talked about spreading
happiness and the joy that is created when there is a concert. It reminds us of
why people come to see a concert and that as the conductor you have the ability
to bring joy to people. I thought it was funny when he said never look at the
trombones because it only encourages them. This statement is very true and I
have encountered this during several rehearsals. You have to let the music
happen by itself and not interfere. I thought this was a great lesson because
you want to let your players have the freedom to interpret the story and it
will all come together beautifully. He mentions to make the musicians your partners
and not tell them what to do. I find it
fascinating that you can control an ensemble with the tiniest movements or even
with just the expression on your face. It is fascinating to watch how different
yet effective each conductor’s style is and see the different ways you can
communicate to your musicians.
Kenzie great post!! This is so true about the reason why people come to a concert. Although it may not be a good thing, music has the ability to bring other emotions such as sadness, and nostalgia too. I find it pretty interesting that people listen to certain songs to feel sadness as well as happiness. Music is such a powerful tool that can change an emotion almost instantly. Its unreal.